For all care professionals who want more

More free time, more long weekends: We are looking for new nursing staff (m/f/d) who expect more from their job. At Bonn University Hospital (UKB), we not only offer you the team that suits you, but also individual working time models, a bonus concept, health benefits and much more. With the collective agreement for reduced workload (TV-E), you also get up to 5 additional days of reduced workload and other great benefits. Look forward to more free time to recharge your batteries. What are you waiting for? Join the nursing team!

Benefits that await you

If you want to take your nursing career to the next level and at the same time enjoy the benefits of a collective agreement, then let’s get started together. Your passion and dedication deserve the best working conditions, and that’s what we offer you. Take the next step in your nursing career with us and be part of our dedicated team.

Study support by covering tuition fees (up to €10,000) or a leave of absence from work

Study support

Access to literature databases is available free of charge, because high-quality patient care based on the latest scientific findings is a priority concern

Free literature databases

Guaranteed 30 + 9 vacation days with regular rotating shifts

Additional vacation days

Additional amenities in day-to-day care and workload compensation in the form of days off

TV-E: Flat rate

Plus. Annual bonus & company pension scheme

Remuneration according to TV-L Kr

Further development opportunities for you: e.g. Palliative care - Wound expert - Nephrology - Breastfeeding consultation - Endoscopy - Heart Failure Nurse - Psychiatry - Pain Nurse

Development opportunities

Further training on site: Intensive care and anesthesia; nursing in oncology (DKG); practical guidance; nursing experts in IMC areas

Further training on site

+ optional: practice management allowance, allowance concept for completed further training

Allowance concept
Kleinen Moment, bitte

Our highlights

Nursing staff
different nations
different languages
various departments

Find out what drives us

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Our employees talk about their job, their motivation and the benefits of the Entlastung collective agreement. Curious about what else awaits you as a nurse at Bonn University Hospital? Find out more on our social media channels.

What is the TV-E

Voices from the team

Get a picture of us as an employer! Your future colleagues from various specialist areas will tell you why you should become part of the care team

Job ID: #4568

Your application

UKB – Care

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Dear UKBers* There is still a problem with the social media icons. This means that they cannot be used. Until further notice, I will use the standard ones available to me.


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